Dental implants are prosthetic dental devices that are used to replace lost teeth. The procedure for implantation involves the surgical insertion of a biocompatible screw directly into the jawbone of the patient. The screw, which is made of titanium, undergoes a fusion process called osseointegration over time. It actually connects to the jawbone as the cells of the jaw grow around it. This healing process causes the screw to become stable and secure within the bone, just as the root of a natural tooth would be. Still, a dental implant cannot be fully used in the same manner as a natural tooth until an abutment and crown is placed over the implant. 

Here are a few benefits of choosing a dental implant to replace a missing tooth:

Discourages Loss of Jawbone Density

The placement of a dental implant inside the jawbone allows the implant to stimulate the production of new bone cells. Each time a dental implant patient chews, bite pressure is transferred to the implant screw and subsequently to the jawbone. This pressure stimulates the development of new bone cells, which helps the jawbone maintain a healthy density. However, after a tooth is lost, the stimulation at the extraction site ends, and the jawbone begins to atrophy in that area. Over time, this decline in bone density can cause the jaw to appear sunken or hollow. In addition, it can cause nearby teeth to become loosened in their socket.

Helps Prevent Dental Misalignment

Dental misalignment can result as the teeth migrate into the space that was once occupied by the missing natural tooth. When a tooth is in place, it helps prevent adjacent teeth from shifting. However, once a tooth is lost, nearby teeth have more room to move out of position. However, when a dental implant is placed, it occupies the gap left by the lost tooth and serves as a placeholder for adjacent teeth.

Less Problems with Trapped Food after Eating When Compared to Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is fashioned from two dental crowns attached to a bridge base with a false tooth suspended in the middle. The false tooth rests against the gums but is not implanted inside the soft tissue. Thus, food can become trapped in the small space between the false tooth and the gums, causing inflammation and promoting gingivitis.

A dental implant is inserted into the gums as a natural tooth would be, so food cannot become trapped underneath it, and dental cleaning methods are the same as they would be for a natural tooth.

If you are considering a dental implant, visit an implant dentist in your area like Kenai Dental Clinic
