Summer presents unique challenges to your dental health. Here are a few tips that will help you keep your entire mouth healthy during the summer months.
Drink Plenty Of Water
The first thing you need to do is make sure you drink plenty of water and liquids during the summer months. Staying hydrated and producing saliva will help protect your gum and tissues by preventing dry mouth. Being well-hydrated will help you keep tooth decay at bay during the summer months.
Also, try to avoid drinks with high amounts of sugar in them, such as fruit juice and soda. Although those types of drinks may feel refreshing, they leave sugar behind in your mouth, which can contribute and lead to tooth decay.
Be Smart About Your Fruit
One of the most prominent foods in the summertime is fruit. Be smart about the type and way that you consume fruit in the summertime. Try to avoid fruit gummies as well as fruit roll-ups; these types of fruit goodies contain lots of sugar and can get stuck in your teeth.
If you eat citrus fruit, such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes, be sure to drink water and brush your teeth about a half hour later to prevent the citrus in the fruit from eroding the enamel on your teeth.
The best fruit is to eat for your teeth are fruits rich in water, such as watermelon, cantaloupe and strawberries.
Protect Your Teeth When Playing Outside
When playing summer sports, make sure that you protect your mouth. You can easily pick up a mouthguard at just about any drug store or general store. Generally, you have to boil some water, drop the mouthguard in it, take it out, and then bite down on it in order for it to fit correctly in your mouth. This will form the mouthguard to your teeth and ensure that your mouth is properly protected.
A mouthguard will help protect your teeth, gums, lips and even checks from damage if your face gets hit while playing summer sports.
Be Careful Where You Swim
Where you swim can put your dental health at risk. If you frequently swim in a pool and are exposed to high levels of chlorine, the chemicals in the water can both weaken and erode your teeth. If you swim frequently in chlorinated pools, be sure to brush your teeth when you are done swimming. This will help protect your teeth from the chemicals in the pool.
If you swim in fresh water or ocean water, you don't have to be concerned about negative impacts on your oral health. Ocean water can actually help cut down on oral bacteria in your mouth.
This summer, make sure you stay hydrated, be careful about sugar, protect your teeth when playing outdoors and brush your teeth after you go swimming in any pools. Visit your local dentist office to learn more.