Before getting dental implants, your dentist will recommend that you undergo a routine dental examination. While preventive dental exams allow your dentist to recognize and treat gum disease and cavities before getting your implants, a routine evaluation of your oral health status may also be lifesaving. Your mouth can reveal serious medical conditions and when these conditions are recognized early, a favorable prognosis is more likely to occur. Here are three serious medical disorders that your dentist might discover during a routine dental visit and what you can do about them:

Diabetic-Related Candidiasis Infection

People with diabetes may be at a higher risk for developing oral fungal infections known as candidiasis. This condition causes white lesions to appear in the mouth that may bleed easily when scraped or disturbed. Although most people who develop oral yeast infections have already been diagnosed by their physicians with diabetes, these infections might be the initial symptom in other individuals.

If diabetes is left undiagnosed and untreated, serious health consequences such as cardiovascular, circulatory, or renal problems can develop. If your dental professional discovers that you have a candidiasis infection, you may be referred to your primary care doctor for further evaluation and treatment. If your doctor discovers that you have diabetes, treatment may include dietary restrictions, weight management, exercise, and medication to help reduce circulating blood glucose levels.

Bleeding Problems

While some bleeding during dental examinations is common, excessive, uncontrolled bleeding during routine dental care may indicate the presence of a blood or platelet disorder. If your gums bleed profusely during your dental examination, your dentist might ask if you take blood thinners such as aspirin or prescription anticoagulants. These medications can lead to oral bleeding which can sometimes be difficult to control.

Other causes of bleeding gums can include gingivitis and periodontitis, which is a severe form of gum disease that can damage or even destroy the bones that support your teeth. If you do not take blood thinning medications or have evidence of gum disease, your dentist may refer you back to your physician for a blood test known as a complete blood count.

This simple test will help determine if you have a platelet disorder or other condition that may explain why your gums bleed so much. If your blood test reveals a reason for your oral bleeding, your physician will devise a treatment plan based upon your diagnosis, which will also help decrease the incidence bleeding gums.


Erythroplakia, or red plaques, refers to red velvety patches that can appear inside your oral cavity, usually on the soft palate, the floor of the mouth, tongue, and retromolar trigone area. The retromolar area refers to the areas behind your molars.  These lesions are often caused by cigarette smoking and alchohol consumption, and are considered precancerous.

While sometimes asymptomatic, erythroplakia can cause irritation or a burning feeling in the mouth. When this condition is diagnosed and treated early on, erythroplakia is less likely to undergo a malignant transformation.

If you discover any abnormalities in your mouth, see a dentist at a clinic like Dental Services Of Rochester and a physician as soon as possible. They will develop effective treatment plans to help prevent your condition from worsening.  
