If your child has an overbite or misaligned teeth, you may be thinking of getting them braces. Braces are a common orthodontic treatment that can give your child perfectly straight teeth. It's actually beneficial to give your child braces when they're younger, before their jawbones completely set in place. Braces are more effective when applied to young people, as opposed to adults. You may be wondering if your child is too young for braces, though. Here are four questions you can ask yourself to figure out the answer.
Has your child grown all their permanent teeth?
If your child hasn't lost all their baby teeth yet, they're probably too young for braces. Giving your child braces before their permanent teeth have grown in won't lead to lasting results. When the new teeth grow, they could undo all the careful changes your child's braces made. Wait until your child has all their adult teeth before considering orthodontic treatment.
Is your child responsible enough to care for braces?
Braces aren't particularly low maintenance. Your child will need to brush and floss their teeth even while wearing braces. Flossing with braces can be difficult, and your child will need to carefully thread special floss through the wires of their braces. Make sure your child is actually responsible enough to care for their teeth during their orthodontic treatment. If your child doesn't keep up with their dental hygiene, they may develop cavities and other dental problems during their treatment.
Does your child's dentist agree they are at a good age?
Your child's dentist is an experienced medical professional who has treated many other children. Ask for their expert opinion about the possibility of your child receiving braces. If they think your child is too young, you should wait and follow their advice.
Does your child want to get braces?
As the parent, it's your job to look out for your child's well-being. In some cases, you will have to make decisions that go against your child's wishes because as an adult, you know best. However, it's still important to consider your child's desires, especially when it comes to something as personal as their body. Have a conversation with your child about braces. Explain the process to them and tell them about the results. If they like the idea and would like to start orthodontic treatment, that's another great sign that you should proceed.
For more information about braces for kids, contact an orthodontist.