While mild bleeding from the mouth is often the result of gingivitis, more profuse bleeding requires emergency dental intervention. There are a number of different reasons for profuse oral bleeding ranging from benign causes to serious medical conditions. Here are some emergency dental interventions your dentist may recommend if you are bleeding from your mouth. 


Profuse oral bleeding can be caused by a serious dental infection known as an abscess. While abscesses often cause throbbing pain, nerve damage caused by the infection may have damaged the nerve, and because of this, you may not feel any pain.

Your abscess may also cause a bad taste in your mouth as a result of purulent drainage that has accumulated around the infected tooth. Because of the purulent pus pocket, you may notice an unpleasant taste in your mouth every time you bite down. In addition to pain and a bad taste in your mouth, your abscess may cause heavy oral bleeding as a result of gingival tissue damage.

If your dentist discovers a dental abscess, he or she will clean out the infected material and then prescribe antibiotics. Once the infection has cleared, abscess-related oral bleeding will subside. If the bleeding does not stop by the time you have completed your entire course of antibiotics, your dentist may refer you to a periodontist for further treatment.

Post-Surgical Treatments

If your oral bleeding is caused by a tooth extraction or other type of oral surgery, your emergency dental treatment may include a few sutures at the extraction site to close the wound. It is essential that you seek treatment right away if you experience heavy post-surgical bleeding after your oral surgery. Delaying treatment may result in infection, bleeding under the soft tissues inside your mouth, and in extreme cases, significant blood loss, which may lead to anemia.

While your dentist or oral surgeon can treat post-surgical oral bleeding, if you are hemorrhaging from your mouth as a result of dental surgery or otherwise, seek emergency treatment at the nearest hospital. After you have been treated and released from the emergency department, the attending physician will recommend a follow-up appointment with your dentist.

If you experience oral bleeding, seek emergency treatment as soon as possible. Doing so can help lower your risk for extreme blood loss, tissue damage, a hematoma or collection of blood underneath the soft tissues inside your mouth, and even anemia. 
